Castor Oil 15 Amazing Benefits For Your Skin, Hair And Health

Castor oil, derived from the castor plant (Ricinus Communis), is one of the oldest crops cultivated and has been used for a variety of purposes throughout history. Choose the right brands castor oils from the
castor oil manufacturers in Delhi at affordable price and Get the Castor benefits for skin, hair, and health have been well-documented for centuries. For example, pregnant women in ancient Egypt drank castor oil to help them labor. It has also been used for numerous cosmetic procedures. Here's everything you should know about this fantastic oil!

Facts About Castor Oils

Castor oil is extracted by pressing the seeds of the Ricinus Communis plant and contains antifungal and antibacterial properties, as well as nutrients such as Vitamin E and Omega 6 and 9. In its unprocessed form, it contains a toxic substance known as ricin, but the substance is easily destroyed when exposed to high temperatures during oil production. As a result, a pale yellow to amber liquid is produced, which is widely used in medicines, beauty products, food, and other applications. The benefits of castor oil for hair are unparalleled, and they have been tested and proven since ancient times!

Nutritional Value Of Castor Oil

Castor oil has a unique nutritional value because 90% of its fatty acid content is made up of ricinoleic acid, a substance that is quite rare. This substance readily absorbs into the skin and is effective in the treatment of dermatosis, psoriasis, and acne. This acid is also produced in the small intestine when castor oil is broken down, which aids digestion. Other acids include oleic acid (6%–2%), linoleic acid (5%–2%), dihydroxystearic acid (.5%–.30%), and so on.

Aside from that, it contains a lot of vitamin E, as well as omega 6 and 9. According to the National Institute of Health, Vitamin E extends the life of cells and aids in the replenishment of old ones, thereby combating the signs of ageing. Omega 6 is an essential nutrient, which means that it must be obtained through the diet. When consumed in sufficient quantities, it aids in the production of energy, the reduction of rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, and the reduction of body fat. Omega 9 is important because it combats bad cholesterol and reduces inflammation. It also improves insulin sensitivity.

Top 15 Benefits Of Castor Oil

Castor oil has a variety of applications. Some may need to be applied externally, while others may need to be taken orally. Now that we've covered the general benefits of castor oil, we've broken down the specific benefits and how to use it.

Benefits Of Castor Oil For Skin

Castor oil is a natural cleanser with high antioxidant levels, making it one of the best remedies for skin issues.

1. Prevent Wrinkles Or Fine Lines

Wrinkles are one of the signs of aging. Wrinkles appear as our skin loses its natural elasticity and thins. Castor oil is one of the most popular home remedies for wrinkles because it replenishes old cells and increases cell longevity by boosting collagen production. castor oil suppliers in Delhi


Castor oil - few drops

How To Use

  1. Apply castor oil gently over your face and neck in circular motions.
  2. Leave it overnight and wash it off in the morning.
  3. Repeat this regularly to witness its effectiveness.

2. Remove Stretch Mark

The most popular benefit of castor oil for skin is the removal of stretch marks. It contains fatty acids that improve skin elasticity, lowering the risk of stretch marks.


  • Castor oil - few drops
  • Coconut/Argan oil - equal amount with castor oil.

How To Use

1.     Apply castor oil topically (on specific areas) to pregnancy-related stretch marks.

2.     For other stretch marks, make a solution with equal parts coconut and argan oil and apply it to the affected area.


You can also use ThriveCo's Stretch Marks Cream. Striover™, a clinically tested ingredient, effectively reduces the appearance of old and new stretch marks within 28 days. It is safe to use while pregnant.

3. Moisturize Skin

Castor oil benefits the skin by moisturising and protecting it from free radicals. It can also help to replenish skin cells due to its ricinoleic acid content.


Castor oil - few drops

How To Use

  1. Take a few drops of the oil.
  2. Gently rub in on your face in circular motion.
  3. Do not overdo it. Castor oil is heavy and may leave you looking greasy.

4. Treat Acne

Oil on acne may seem counterproductive, but the benefits of castor oil on the face are undeniable. It penetrates deeply into the skin and combats the bacteria that cause acne.


Castor oil - few drops

How To Use

1.     To open your pores, wash your face with warm water.

2.     Take a few drops of castor oil and evenly distribute it around your palms.

3.     Rub it gently and slowly on your face in a circular motion.

4.     Leave it on overnight.

5.     The next morning, wash your face with cold water.

6.     To prevent breakouts, mix a few drops of apple cider vinegar and frankincense with castor oil and dab it on your face with a cotton ball.

5. Reduce Pigmentation

Dermatologists recommend castor oil to even out skin tones and remove spots and blemishes because it contains Omega 3s, which hydrate the skin. It promotes the growth of healthy tissues. Check here to learn about the causes and home remedies for skin pigmentation.


Castor oil - few drops

How To Use

  1. Rub some castor oil gently on the face.
  2. Leave it overnight and wash it off.
  3. After a few usages, the spots start reducing.
  4. To reduce redness from sunburn, mix equal amount of coconut oil with this oil and follow the same procedure as above.

Castor Oil Benefits For Hair

The benefits of castor oil for hair are as numerous as those for skin, making it the go-to beauty product not only for households, but also for various cosmetic companies. It stimulates hair follicles and increases blood flow to the scalp's surface. Some nutrients that contribute to this benefit include omegas 6 and 9, as well as vitamin E.

6. Thicken Eye Brow Hair

Many people prefer thicker brows, which castor oil can help them achieve. Antioxidants, proteins, fatty acids, and other nutrients will aid in the growth of brows.


  • Castor oil - few drops
  • Cotton ball - 1

How To Use

  1. Take some oil and soak the cotton ball in it.
  2. Dab it gently on your eyebrows.

7. Improve Hair Growth

We have all heard about the benefits of castor oil for hair growth. Here is how you can go about achieving it.


Castor oil - few drops (preferably, Jamaican Black Castor oil)

How To Use

  1. Damp (not wet) your hair.
  2. Massage the oil into your scalp for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Let it sit for at least 20 minutes, or preferably overnight.
  4. Wash it off with warm water. Castor oil is heavy. So you may have to use shampoo twice or thrice. The warm water helps in removing it.
  5. You can also lighten it by mixing equal parts of almond or coconut oil.
  6. You can add in 2-3 drops of rosemary or tea tree essential oil in the mixture for greater benefits.
  7. Apply this 1-2 times for 6-8 weeks for best results.

You can also use the Hair Growth Serum from ThriveCo. It has a clinically proven ingredient, REGENDIL™ (Redensyl, Anagain, Procapil, Capilia Longa), which stimulates hair growth, reduces hair loss, and gives thicker, stronger hair in 8 weeks.

8. Enhance Hair Colour

One can always take advantage of the benefits of castor oil for grey hair, by following the simple rules.


Warm castor oil - as needed

How To Use

  1. When the first signs of greying hair appear, start massaging warm castor oil 2-3 times a week.
  2. It stimulates hair follicles and prevents greying.

9. Remove Split Ends

Split ends are one of the most annoying issues to have. However, castor oil's ability to treat split ends comes in handy. Here's what you can do.


  • Castor oil - 1 tablespoon
  • Coconut oil - 1 tablespoon
  • Egg - 1

How To Use

  1. Combine the egg and coconut oil and then add in the castor oil.
  2. Massage this onto the scalp, gently working to the roots.
  3. Keep it on for at least 30 minutes before washing it with warm water and shampoo.
  4. Follow this once a week.

10. Make Hair Shiny

We all want to have perfectly shiny hair. However, dirt and dust frequently cause hair to dry out or become damaged. Castor oil can help reverse this effect.


  • Castor oil - 1 tablespoon
  • Coconut oil - 1 tablespoon

How To Use

  1. Combine both the oil and warm it a little. Do not overheat it.
  2. Massage it onto your scalp for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Let it sit for at least 1 hour before washing it off.

Health Benefits Of Castor Oil

Now that we have checked onto the benefits of castor oil for skin and hair let’s look at its uses for health.

11. Treat Constipation

Castor oil's benefits include its use as a laxative. Pharmaceutical companies would have you believe that it is harmful to your health because it contains ricin. However, as previously stated, this substance is removed by heating the oil, rendering it safe for consumption. Castor oil stimulates the small and large intestines, as well as the colon walls, facilitating expulsion.


  • Castor oil - 30-60mL
  • Warm milk/Water - 1 glass
  • Ginger

How To Use

  1. Add the castor oil into the mil or water.
  2. Because the oil has a strong smell, ginger needs to be added. But it is completely optional.
  3. Drink this and wait for an hour for its effects to show.

12. Remove Cracked Heels

Because of its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, castor oil could be used to remove cracks from the heels


Castor oil - as needed.

How To Use

  1. Warm the castor oil.
  2. Apply a thick layer over the ankle and put on your socks.
  3. Leave it on overnight.
  4. For faster results, follow this procedure regularly.

13. Treat Backache

Want a safe and fool-proof remedy for a backache? Benefits of castor oil massage have the answers.


  • Castor oil - as needed.
  • Clean and soft cloth
  • Hot water bag

(You may need a helping hand for this)

How To Use

  1. Apply the castor oil topically over the back.
  2. Place the cloth over this spot and place the hot water bag.
  3. If the water in the bag is too hot, you may wrap it with a towel.
  4. Leave it on for an hour. Allow the oil to percolate.
  5. Massage the area.

14. Castor Oil Remedy For Stomach Ache

Moving on from the benefits of castor oil for the face to other uses, here is a stomach ache treatment. It can take many forms.


  • Castor oil - 1 teaspoon
  • Cold milk - 1 glass

Preparation Method

  1. Stir in well the castor oil with the milk.
  2. Drink this on an empty stomach every morning for a full cleansing.
  3. This recipe takes care of acidity, stomach toxicity, bloating, constipation and irritated bowels.
  4. Alternatively, you may also mix the oil with orange juice or water for tackling acidity, constipation and bloating. But drink it with milk to yield best results.

15. Soothe Menstrual Cramp

This is a welcome home remedy for many women. Castor oil relieves a variety of muscle pains, including menstrual cramps. To relieve pain, follow the steps outlined below. castor oil companies in Delhi


  • Castor oil - as needed
  • Clean and soft cloth
  • Covering cloth
  • Hot water bag

How To Use

  1. Warm the castor oil and soak the clean cloth. Do not make it dripping wet.
  2. Place it over your lower abdomen.
  3. Cover it with the other cloth, before placing the hot water bag over it.
  4. Leave it on and get some refreshing sleep!
  5. Finally, a word of caution about reaping the benefits of castor oil. Although it has been certified as 'generally safe', do not overuse it. Usage must be based on the ailment and direction. If an ailment is severe, it is best to consult a doctor. Before proceeding with external use, run a patch test first. Test the mixtures on a small patch of skin and leave for 5-10 minutes. If it irritates your skin, avoid using it. If not, you're good to go!






















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